Governance Education

Our clients can choose any one or a combination of modules listed here.

Single segment – half-day duration

All sessions condensed – two days’ duration

Segment I:  Introduction to Corporate Governance

Module 1:    Introduction to Corporate Governance


Module 2:    International Corporate Governance


Module 3:    Board of Directors: Duties and Liability


Module 4:    Board of Directors: Selection, Skill-set, Compensation and Removal


Module 5:    Board of Directors: Structure and Consequences


Segment II:   Specialized Tasks of Boards of Directors


Module 6:    Strategic Planning and Governance of Risk


Module 7:    Board, CEO and C-Suite Succession Planning


Module 8:    Governance of Executive Compensation


Module 9:    Executive Equity Ownership


Module 10:  The Audit Committee and the Governance of Financial and Other Reporting


Segment III:  External Corporate Governance Stakeholders


Module 11:  The Market for Corporate Control


Module 12:  Institutional Shareholders, Activist Investors and Corporate Governance Ratings


In every Module, we discuss latest cases involving governance breaches, linking to the client’s sector, business model and market footprint (e.g., domestic or international presence).  Prominent practitioners and leaders supplement their personal experiences.
